As an added treat in the VIP package, you will receive a 60 minute CranioSacral Therapy session with Kat Binding! The session can be for just mom or mom and baby together if needed.
CranioSacral Therapy is a very light touch therapy which involves freeing up restrictions along the spinal cord, from the cranial bones (the head) all the way down to the sacrum. CranioSacral is especially indicated as a part of your post-partum recovery in certain situations…

If you had a particularly difficult delivery and you feel that your body or nervous system is stuck in that high stress emotional place (“fight or flight”) and is unable to relax or calm down. Especially, if you feel your body could best benefit from an extremely gentle approach. CranioSacral has been described as a massage for the nervous system.
Another situation would be where you have had an epidural or spinal during your labour and delivery. This medical intervention directly affects the nerves of the spinal cord and the spinal fluid, so CranioSacral Therapy is particularly effective for minimizing or resolving any restrictions that might arise from these procedures. Resolving these restrictions right away can bring relief from post-partum pain as well as minimize potential issues with future pregnancies.
Another unique aspect of CranioSacral Therapy is that it is the only therapy where there is the option of mother & baby being treated at the same time. A joint session with both mother and infant can be beneficial to “reset” the nervous systems of both parties, as well as to promote bonding after the trials of birth.
CranioSacral Therapy directly affects the brain & nervous system, so it can also help: re-balance hormonal levels after birth; promote better sleep/rest; reduce overall stress levels (which will promote better bonding with your infant); release any residual stress/negative emotions from the birth that may be held in the tissue of the body. It can also be helpful to re-balance the pelvic floor after the exertion of birth.
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