Are we meant to work together?
Here is a little about me so you get a feel for how I work, what my background is and even a little glimpse into my birth experiences which have led to the creation of Sacred Healing! Read on and let’s make sure we will be a good fit for one another. 💗
I’m a mom to two amazing little souls, a wife to an incredible partner and a student for life! I live in Canada, in the country surrounded by nature. I grew up on a small island in Northwestern Ontario and was home schooled with my sister until grade six, spending my days learning science outside at the swamp or having gym class skiing through the bush or swimming, depending on the season. So, my love of nature, water and animals started from the very beginning and whenever I need grounding and healing I find my way back to nature as a way to reset and rejuvenate myself.
Professionally, I started working in the social services field seventeen years ago and always knew this is where I was meant to be in some capacity. Helping others at a core level is always something I was passionate about. As I moved around in the field I began to notice that although what I was doing felt meaningful and was helpful to my clients there was something missing from the way I had been working and living; a spiritual side, a holistic element. As I was becoming more consciously awakened in my own life, I went on to complete my theory and therapy certificates though the American Association Of Marriage and Family Therapy program. I currently have one more practicum to complete before obtaining my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. I became a certified ThetaHealer®, a certified Reiki Practitioner (LINK TO WHAT IS REIKI) , and an Angel Practitioner. I now intuitively use my skills as a therapist combined with my love of energy healing to help clients reach new levels of consciousness and achieve healing.
But let’s back up a little.. why birth trauma?
I am especially passionate about working with all kinds of trauma due to my personal experiences in dealing with sudden loss of immeadiate family members and being a surviour of sexual assault at a young age. I have learned a lot because of these events, not only through my extensive education but through alternative healing modalities that I have used for myself as well. At the time, the previously mentioned events were earth shattering for me a led to years of trying to heal. There were times when things were incredibly hard and I really struggled to keep my head above water, especially when everything that had happened compounded into a diagnosis of PTSD. I had spent many years using only traditional talk therapy so I was shocked and thrilled to experience what felt like instantaneous healing when I went for my first energy healing session. As I mentioned earlier, this was the missing piece! Working from a holistic model of care to heal not only the mind but the body and spirit as well was the key!
I knew trauma would be my specialty but birth trauma and pregnancy loss wasn’t even on my radar until I became a mom for the first time. My partner and I were one of those lucky couples who got pregnant on the first try, so when we had a miscarriage I was absolutely shocked and devastated. We very quickly became pregnant again without actively trying and I desperately tried to relax into trusting things would be ok. Like so many other moms, I was excited for birth and researched and prepared for every last detail. Then, the day came and labour started. I had actually planned to birth at home unassisted because during my year of childbirth research I sadly realized the potential for an undisturbed birth in the hospital would be rare. After a week of prodromal labour I was devastated but also a little bit grateful that I would go to the hospital where they could hopefully make the whole process easier for me. I won’t get into the details because they will be triggering for many of you, but my experience was incredibly hard. I was treated badly and told over and over that essentially my body didn’t know what it was doing and that I needed to listen to the medical professionals. They tried to instill fear and did things without my consent and I experienced what it felt like to not have a voice. My body was not respected and I felt like it was not my own. I remember having to consciously choose to disconnect from my body so that I could try to block out the disappointment surrounding the experience.
Upon delivery, our baby was taken from me for medical interventions and we spent hours apart which led to issues with nursing and bonding. I spent the first couple months battling post partum depression as well as shock, anger and shame. Luckily, I had an amazing support system with my mom and my partner and a lot of knowledge about how to heal trauma which gave me the time and tools that I needed to process the experience and to release it.
Three years and a surprise pregnancy later, it was time to birth again! I struggled throughout the pregnancy with making the right choices in regards to having the birth I wanted this time. I knew what I wanted but it truly wasn’t until the night before labour started that I actually finalized who would be with me for this birth. I ended up discontinuing care with a wonderful midwife and two doulas because in my heart of hearts I knew they were not meant to be with me on this journey for various reasons. In the end, I ended up having a water birth at home with my two best friends, my partner, my mom and my son. This birth was intense and incredibly trying but it was also incredibly healing.

So, in a nutshell, I had two very different birth experiences. One was incredibly traumatic and the other was incredibly healing. Neither of the births were the Zen experiences I was hoping for but they were exactly the births that I needed in order to be in this place today. It is because of these experiences that I am ready to help guide you through processing and healing your traumatic births. My journey back to trusting birth was long and sometimes really hard but I really believe my experiences happened for this exact reason, to get me to the place where I am now and ready to help you 💜
So what am I offering?
I am offering private services which include a homestudy package, an interactive package and a luxury self care package! I have also offered healing group retreats and plan to do that again in the near future! I’m also offering packages around pregnancy loss and a stabilization package for those not quite ready to dive into processing their birth experiences yet. These packages are meant
So what do I believe about trauma and healing?
I believe healing from trauma is possible when you use a holistic model of healing that incorporates your mind, body and spirit. The holistic model is really the key because trauma affects all aspects of us. We hold it in our cognitive memory, our body, and we can also become disconnected from our spirit after a traumatic event. By spirit, I mean the essence of us, where we hold hope and possibility, the part of us that is connected to something greater and that is always there as our inner source of strength. Part of healing is learning how to reconnect with that part of ourselves and learning how to call upon it when we need strength, guidance and grounding.
In my experience, choosing a healing modality that only addresses one aspect of our existence, whether it be body, mind or spirit, is not the most effective way to release and heal trauma. Learning how to heal mind, body and spirit means integrating our experience so that we can achieve overall health. I believe there are always lessons and growth that comes from healing trauma and often wonderful insight into what our journey and learnings are supposed to be in this lifetime. I see a traumatic event as a way to grow and expand our consciousness to new levels that would never have been possible before experiencing the trauma.
This is one of my favorite quotes that very much resonates with me..
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ~Rumi
If after reading all of the above, you are feeling ready to dive in and work with me, please head here next!
If you are unsure if what I am offering is right for where you are at in your healing journey, I am offering a free 30 minute consult so we can connect and I can help you assess what your next step may look like.
I look forward to connecting with you and witnessing your journey to health